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MMD > Archives > April 2010 > 2010.04.19 > 02Prev  Next

Mechanical Monkey Builder
By Philippe Crasse

Hello All,  I just read about mechanical monkey searches.  I do remember
that a specialist in Germany made mechanical monkeys.  I have only a
post address:

  JA-FI Marionetten
  Filiestedener Str. 1
  Phone +49 (223) 843 439

I'm not sure that it still works, but try and probably Heaven helps you!

Hope this helps,
Philippe Crasse - in the volcano-dust-free part of France 

 [ Found at 
 [   The children stand amazed before the strange wooden boxes and are
 [ thrilled when Franz-Josef, the monkey atop the crank-organ, lifts
 [ his hat, sticks out his tongue, or -- particularly impudently --
 [ squirts the bystanders with water.
 [   "In the past the organ grinder commonly carried along a monkey,"
 [ relates Helene Jacoby Fischer, of Bergheim.  20 years ago she and
 [ her husband, "Orgels Franz," discovered their love for the historic
 [ musical devices.  "For five years we worked streets exclusively,
 [ from Sylt to Florence," she says.
 [   Today they play at events and build organs themselves.  Her
 [ husband -- a former puppeteer -- is also the "father" of several
 [ mechanical monkeys.  Wooden levers behind the monkey's back bring
 [ the animal to life.
 [ Try writing to
 [   Ja-Fi Marionettes
 [   Helene Jacoby-Fischer
 [   Fliestedener Straße 1
 [   50129 Bergheim, Germany
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Mon 19 Apr 2010, 15:48:00 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  Builder, Mechanical, Monkey

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