Hi All, There are a surprising number of surviving photoplayers.
Bob Gilson of Madison, Wisconsin, owns a nicely restored Style 45
American Fotoplayer that was once in a Hawaiian collection. Bob is
a well known collector who has amassed a fabulous collection of fine
mechanical music machines. His collection is featured in Art Reblitz's
wonderful book, "The Golden Age of Automatic Musical Instruments."
A video of a Fotoplayer being played by hand from the Utrecht musical
museum, Van Speelklok tot Pierement, can be seen at
A fun video of Joe Rinaudo playing an energetic version of 12th Street
Rag on his Style 20 American Fotoplayer can be seen at
I believe Richard Reutlinger of San Francisco also owns a restored
American Fotoplayer, and last, Tim Trager, well known broker/dealer in
mechanical music machines, lists at least two photoplayers for sale on
his web site at http://www.timtrager.com/photo.htm
But are there any out there still lurking silently under the boards of
old theaters?
Marc J. Sachnoff