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MMD > Archives > April 2010 > 2010.04.07 > 13Prev  Next

FS: Early Autopiano Parts
By David Saleh

Hello MMD friends,  I recall seeing a picture and reading about some
make of early photo-player that used Autopiano actions, I think.
I also recall in one photo it also had foot pump pedals like a normal
foot pumper, though it may or may not have been electric also.

My interest in this leads to the fact I have the entire upper action
and lower action out of a large 1914 "Autopiano" piano, all for sale
at a modest price.  The action is missing only the two actual wood foot
pedals boards and trim and 4 hinge bearing blocks; the pedal frame is
intact.  I may have all the keybed control linkages, too.

Huge heavy double-valve stack and massive pumping unit with all the
bells and whistles in good unrestored condition that may be useful to
someone needing an Autopiano action for a gutted photoplayer (or home
foot pumper).  In 35 years have seen three gutted photoplayers (all in
Maine).  Two of the beasts even with surviving empty side cabinets.
Unfortunately none were for sale at the time and I'm sure there are
other empty ones out there.  Maybe a few (or just one) can use these

My regards to all,
David M. Saleh - Player Piano Restorations
Waterbury, Connecticut
tel.: 1-203-596-8128

(Message sent Wed 7 Apr 2010, 15:19:13 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Autopiano, Early, FS, Parts

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