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MMD > Archives > February 2010 > 2010.02.22 > 11Prev  Next

FS: Holtzer-Cabot 1150 RPM Motor
By David Saleh

MMD friends,  I have available for those in need an original "Holtzer
Cabot" AC motor, circa 1920-1930, for an electrically operated piano
such a reproducing or expression piano, coin operated or automatic
piano or instrument.  The motor is original shiny black enamel with
name plate and some paint chips, scratches and scuffs, is shop dusty
dirty, but with a quick plug-in it starts just fine and runs darn

It's a frame design with mounting feet so most likely it was used in
a piano or instrument with an upright style configuration, not so much
a grand piano though it probably could be mounted for such.  The motor
specs are: frame ST-17, 110 Volts, 2.8 amps, 1 phase, 1/8 H.P., 1150
R.P.M., 60 cycles.  Weight about 25 pounds.  Includes original small
pulley.  I have photos if there is interest.  Price $100.00 plus
packing and shipping costs involved.

David Saleh
tel.: 1-203-596-8128 [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Mon 22 Feb 2010, 16:06:29 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  1150, FS, Holtzer-Cabot, Motor, RPM

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