In most instances both valve surfaces should always be replaced at
this point in time. Sometimes the verdigris can be carefully cleaned
out if the valve leather is still good. Always make sure valve travel
is correct in both primary and secondary valves.
_Always_ replace all the gaskets -- tedious but necessary for a tight
action. Finally, don't forget the pneumatic seal cloth on the back of
the "L board". These are all leaking like a sieve by this time.
I never understood the whining about this type of action and need
for tightening the gaskets in the winter. I live in an area that
is blistering hot and humid in the summer and extremely cold in the
winter. I've never once had that problem or any I've rebuilt here,
which is many.
Also, if the piano won't play while you pump with one foot only,
either there is more work to be done or it's a poorly designed action.
That's always been my acid test.
Bruce Mercer