Roland Lee will be interested to know that a picture of the Weber Solea
"in special case" appears in the book on Black Forest orchestrions,
"Schwarzwälder Orchestrionbau," by Herbert Jüttemann. It is on page
233 as Figure 14.24. Close examination of the YouTube video and the
photo in the book show that they are not the same instrument, due to
the different moving scenes in the two side cases. Unless the photo in
the book is a montage, there were at least two of this case design
made, so there must have been a few wealthy bar owners with low
The tune played by the Solea on YouTube is "Fridericus Rex, Grenadier
Marsch." I would not describe this as a dull march. In my experience,
no Weber orchestrion is ever dull when playing music arranged by Gebr.
Weber, even before Gustav Bruder got into his stride.
Best regards,
Nicholas Simons
[ In yesterday's MMD Jim Krughoff identified the tune being played in
[ the YouTube clip as "Bayerischer Defiliermarsch." I leave that for
[ others to sort out.
[ --Relief Editor.