Hi Jeff, While I have no doubt whatever that your method of spacing
each end of the pneumatic makes it more efficient, but I have noticed
no extra friction by closing either end of the pneumatic for recovering.
Simply adjusting the sliders to suit the re-cover has resulted in totally
smooth operation. I personally believe that unless the re-cover is
incompetent, the main adjustment is to the position of the slider
valves. In Addition, Aeolian closed both ends, as the cloth span on
original motors shows.
Having said that, I have used your method on my most recent restore of
an Aeolian wind motor, and with fine results, with minimal suction
provided on the bench. But it is certainly no problem to adopt your
advice, anything for a more sound restore, and you should be thanked
for imparting this information.
So: Thank you.
Paul Brennan