Dear reader, I have been working on a web site project to summon
all the music transcribers into a global project. Here it is (it is
still a project, but it is just waiting for a kick-off); don't hesitate
to subscribe, to see if it works!
The main ideas are:
1) to make transcribing easier -- this means share experiences, planify
who is working on which roll, and allow people to improve each other's
It also means developing the right tools. For instance, I wrote a
script that can separate the hands, find the right tempo, replace
the notes on the right beats, and remove the swing, to make an
almost-ready-to-play transcription in 10 seconds (it doesn't work
perfectly, you have to spend an additional 1-3 hours to edit the result).
I spent too much time on this thing to be the only one to use it!
2) Advertise! It is a shame that so few people on the web know about
piano rolls while the music content could interest so many professional
and amateur pianists. With YouTube and the participation of good
pianists we could manage to get noticed by a larger public -- and
enlarge the community.
I think the whole world of player pianos could take benefit from a gain
of visibility and I therefore encourage anybody that has good knowledge
of the "piano idiom" to have a look at the project.
Best wishes for 2010!
Best regards,
Valentin Arden