Hello Everyone, I am an infrequent participant in MMD although
I read the Digest daily. I am in the process of making approximately
50 masters for the 22" Polyphon disc musical box. I have been able to
identify all of the discs and there numbers except for two.
The first one ends with the word "Schuplatte". I know the tune is for
the Austrian slap dance [Schuhplattler], but I don't know the disc
number or full title.
The second one is "Die Parade __ Zinnsoldaten". The disc number that
I can read is 90_ _ 4. I checked the list that is in Graham Webb's
book on the disc musical box, but there is no listing.
If you can be of any help, I would really appreciate it. By the way,
once these are completed I will have about 200 tunes for the 19-5/8",
110 tunes for the 22" and 104 tunes for the 24-1/2".
David Corkrum
[ Can you provide an audio recording of the songs, David? The second
[ tune is probably Die Parade der Zinnsoldaten - Charakterstück,
[ Op. 123, by Léon Jessel, 1905, published later as Parade of the
[ Wooden Soldiers. -- Robbie