Don´t miss the upcoming 52nd Musica Mechanica in Rüdesheim on November
7, 2009. After the Mart, as always, there will be wine, beer, and
bratwurst that evening in our museum, Siegfrieds Mechanisches
Musikkabinett, the place to meet old friends and make new ones.
And this time the party will go on! Because of the 40th anniversary of
the opening of our museum, there will be an Open House on Sunday,
November 8th. Enjoy the opportunity to have a look around and see some
Also, there are some changes planned for next year's Marts. Many
dealers and visitors were not happy that we have the Mart only on one
day. This was done out of an effort to cut down costs. But many of
you journey far to participate the Mart. So we decided to go back to
the old system, and beginning next year, the Mart will be on both
Saturday and Sunday again. Note the "beginning next year." This
autumn the Mart will still be Saturday only.
I hope that everyone will be happy with this solution. Please feel
free to contact me, if you have any ideas how to promote the Mart. But
please don´t forget: we don´t make any money on these Marts. We do
this just for fun! We have our regular jobs the rest of the year.
So mark your calendar! Nov. 7th, 2009, 52nd Musica Mechanica, Nov.
8th, Party at Siegfrieds Mechanisches Musikkabinett. March 27-28,
2010, 53rd Musica Mechanica. Nov. 6-7, 2010, 54th Musica Mechanica.
For more than 25 years, it has been that way: Springmart always the
weekend before Easter, Autumnmart always the first weekend in November.
Jens Wendel
Siegfrieds Mechanisches Musikkabinett
Rüdesheim/Rhein, Germany