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MMD > Archives > August 2009 > 2009.08.11 > 05Prev  Next

French Barrel Piano by Vuarin Le Puy
By Philippe Crasse

[ Ref. 090809 MMDigest, French Barrel Piano by Vuarin Le Guy ]

Dear MMDs,  Probably this barrel piano came from "Amelotti factory",
a well-known firm in the first decade of 20th century in France
(location: Nice, south-east).  They marketed their products through
several agents 'round the country, as Vuarin (the name of the firm)
in Le Puy (a French town in Massif Central).

Without doubt, the mistake came from the first wrong spelling, but
the clue was easy to resolve!

Best regards from France,
Philippe Crasse 

 [ Thanks, Philippe.  Found at :
 [   Comme pour la <<Veuve Amelotti>>, des <<Foray-Storace>> se
 [   dissimulent souvent derrière les marques de leurs revendeurs:
 [   Sainte Cécile à Valence, Berlioz à Annecy, Vuarin au Puy,
 [   Angel Racca à Gaillard...
 [ My translation:
 [   As for the "Widow Amelotti", "Foray-Storace" [automatic pianos]
 [   often hide behind the trademarks of their dealers:
 [   Saint Cecilia in Valencia, Berlioz in Annecy, Vuarin in Le Puy,
 [   Angel Racca in Gaillard...
 [ --Robbie

(Message sent Tue 11 Aug 2009, 08:30:36 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  Barrel, French, Le, Piano, Puy, Vuarin

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