Hi Walter, The info you received from MMD is correct and Reuge has not
made that mechanism in more than 30 years. There are no replacements
or parts at Reuge in Sainte-Croix, Switzerland, and none are available
for resale anywhere that I am aware of. You occasionally see them up
for auction on eBay, et al, but they usually have a problem of one sort
or another.
As the Reuge after-market repair and parts distributor for North America,
I may be able to come up with something to make your existing mechanism
work but I'd need to see it up close and personal to evaluate it and its
Please telephone me for further discussion of the actual design and
construction of the unit you have. Back and forth diagnostic questions
and answers just don't work well over the internet.
Thank You,
Don Caine - Proprietor
The Music Box Repair Shop Unlimited
24703 Pennsylvania Avenue
Lomita, CA 90717-1516 USA
Home & Office: 310-534-1557 Fax: 310-534-1558
Email: MBRCU@aol.com