I second Robbie's statement in the 090602 MMD that musical movements
for a child's rocking chair likely aren't available anywhere, and that
the best course of action is to have a broken one repaired.
There are several people who specialize in Reuge repairs. One is Tony
Ciuffini <msi@dslextreme.com> of San Pedro, California. Another is Don
Caine <mbrcu@aol.com> of Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Carl Rinker
<waldencroft@peoplepc.com> also makes and repairs music box mainsprings.
Considering the small but urgent demand for rocking chair musical
movements, one would think that Reuge (or Sankyo Shoji, the one other
movement maker in business today) could be persuaded to make a standard
replacement movement, but they don't. Maybe because nobody has asked.
Matthew Caulfield
Irondequoit, New York