Hello Everyone, I just wanted you all to know that the Golden Gate
Chapter of MBSI held another successful event at the Ardenwood
Regional Park in Fremont, California. This was our 5th such display.
We had Jerry Pell with his Bruder fairground organ and Wurlitzer 103,
John Haskey with his Calliaphone, Alan Erb and his Wurlitzer 105 and
a Raffin 31-key concert organ belonging to Lyle Merithiew and Sandy
Inside the Patterson House were music boxes and roller organs and one,
sorry to say, incomplete busker organ. Many thanks go to all of the
above as well as to Julie Porter, Paul Lysaght, Claudine Jones, Dave
Corkrum, Stuart Hansen, and Bob and Judy Caletti. Without all of their
help, this would not have happened.
Dave Corkrum