The set of punches from the woodworking supply looks very nice and the
handle is certainly a benefit for many uses. However, the punch sizes
range from 3 to 30 mm only. The largest is a little less than 1-1/4".
My high speed Internet connection is dead and I cannot take the hours
it would take to browse Pace Punches' site for all the sizes and prices,
but I believe they have punches as large as 1.5" and they have English
I cannot check current prices but I recall that the most expensive
feed-through tubular punch I ever bought was less than $10, and the
small ones were less than one dollar each. A few years ago I bought
every size they had, from 1/32" to 1-1/2" including multiple types in
the small sizes, and I spent less than $200 for probably 70 punches.
Best regards,
Spencer Chase