Reading about Aaron Copeland's "The Cat and the Mouse" brought back
memories of a newspaper article I saw in 1979 saying that Copeland
would be making a personal appearance, although I do not remember what
the reason was. I took my copy of "The Cat and the Mouse" and I got to
meet Mr. Copeland personally, who autographed the roll for me.
I do remember asking him whether he had any memories of making the
roll, and he said "None whatsoever." The roll and the newspaper
article are currently inaccessible because I am trying to fix a
stopped-up sewer pipe in my cellar. But as soon as I can get to them I
will send in a photo of both.
I also got Richard Rodgers to autograph a roll of his song "My Heart
Stood Still." I have a few other rolls autographed by their
performers, but my most unusual one is an original Model B Ampico test
roll. Admittedly, nobody "played" it, but I had Clarence Hickman sign
his name on the leader.
Randolph Herr