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MMD > Archives > January 2009 > 2009.01.18 > 01Prev  Next

Different Arrangements of Mechanical Music
By Art Reblitz

The variety of music arrangements on different types of music rolls,
discussed by Brian Smith in yesterday's MMD, is absolutely one of the
most important aspects of enjoying the world of automatic music.

Brian's comparison of Wurlitzer APP and PianOrchestra arrangements is
an excellent example.  It can be equally fascinating to compare how the
same tune sounds on a Capital A roll, Seeburg H roll, Cremona M roll,
rolls made for the Coinola X, Link 2E, Peerless Arcadian, or the
Ampico, Duo-Art or Welte reproducing piano.  Each was arranged by a
different musician with vastly different ideas.  Some were more
mechanical, others more lifelike; some were simple, others more
complex; some exciting, others more relaxing.

After working in this field for almost forty-five years, there are 
always new musical surprises, whether at the home of an AMICA member
who owns a player piano, at a regional Musical Box Society
International meeting at a large collection of orchestrions, at a band
organ rally, or while playing rolls on an instrument that we just
restored in my shop.  Thank goodness for the musical variety
provided by different brands of instruments and different music

Art Reblitz

(Message sent Sun 18 Jan 2009, 18:02:36 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Arrangements, Different, Mechanical, Music

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