Merry Christmas to all! A recent purchase of discs left me with one
duplicate 9-1/2" Polyphon disc, which I'd like to make available for
sale or trade.
The disc is Number 6108, "Martha" Arie: Ach so fromm (Air: Oh, so
piously), from the Opera Martha, by Friedrich von Flotow, and is in
fair condition, and plays well. It is an original, marked "Made in
Leipzig" (in English) on the disc.
I'd like to trade it for any other 9-1/2" (241 mm) disc that I don't
already have, which shouldn't be too difficult, as only have 21
total. A sale is a "last resort". Contact: or
[delete ".geentroep" to reply]
Questions on the same subject: All of the discs that I have are
Polyphon. Can discs from any other maker be played on a 9-1/2"
Polyphon box? 'Twould be nice...
How popular were the 9-1/2" boxes? I rarely see them or their discs
out here in California.
Bob Loesch
Northern California, USA