Playing an Ampico roll and having the music come out with the
fine dynamics originally intended is quite rewarding. Part of
the pleasure is having been able to maintain the instrument and
the rolls well enough to duplicate what the listeners must have
experienced nearly a century ago.
Whenever the Ampico is played, however, it is of primary importance
to determine how the "event" of playing the piano will be received.
There are virtually no rolls which can be played as background music
during conversation, since even the most subtle will run up a grand
crescendo just to show that it can be done. Even my Ampico B with
Subdue switch does not keep the piano from distracting conversation.
Thus the Ampico is mostly played when no one else is there to
appreciate it.
What mechanical musical instrument is well suited for playing in the
background in the same room as the listeners without distracting?
Karl Petersen
Boise, Idaho