In order to free up some space I am selling my Story and Clark
Orpheus organ. This is a very early roll playing organ which employs
a clockwork roll drive. It is fully restored, and the restoration and
description appear in The Music Box, the journal of the MBSGB, Volume 9,
page 306 onwards.
The organ is very small, in comparison with other roll playing organs,
with dimensions of: width 49 inches, height 53 inches and depth 24.5
inches. All rubber cloth, action leather and leather pallets have been
replaced and the organ is in full playing order. It can be played
either from the manual or the roll.
Included with the organ is a very extensive library of rolls, amounting
to well over 90, all of which are specifically designed to play this
organ, which uses a different roll format for the 58-note scale to the
standard Aeolian Grand, or Orchestrelle.
The organ is situated in the East Midlands of Great Britain. I am open
to offers.
Happy Christmas to all, Nicholas Simons