Hello to all, This may look familiar, but once again I'm going to see
if anyone out there wants my Duo-Art piano. I have tried three times
to sell this on eBay, reducing my price each time. And some months
back I even posted it here, with only two responses. I even read a
thread on here where members were discussing it when it was on eBay,
but still no interest. Can it be that such a wonderful instrument has
turned into such a white elephant?
Anyway, I have now reduced my asking price down to $4000, which is
exactly one-third of my investment into this piano. I literally will
have no place to put this when I move, which is why I'm sadly making
such a sacrifice.
I also have two roll cabinets that need to go. The smaller one is
of ribbon mahogany, with eight shelves that will hold 40 'large' rolls,
and the larger "Herzog" cabinet has ten shelves which will hold 70
large or 80+ small rolls.
I'm in the process of packing up the house right now and these things
(and other stuff) could really use a new home.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Michael Cornfield
Vienna, Ohio, USA (near Youngstown, Ohio)