While searching for information about the 45-note scale (or any scale,
for that sake) the idea occurred to me that there should be some sort
of reference work covering all types of scales (gammas), be it on disc,
cylinder, music book or paper roll. And I feel that the MMD would be
the perfect place to store this kind of information. As it is now, you
and I must "scan" our reference library, personal notes, and, of course,
the Internet.
For a modest example, look at the German Drehorgelinfo web site
and for a more ambitious approach see The Organette Music Repository
Christofer Noering
Stockholm, Sweden
[ A specification should be available to the noteur, the perforator
[ shop and the customer, so that the everybody will know what will
[ be provided. An example (for a "75 key" Wurlitzer band organ) is
[ at http://www.mmdigest.com/Gallery/Tech/W165spec.html -- Robbie