I followed Justin Senneff's YouTube link in the previous article and
quickly found myself browsing. With a fast Internet link and good
speakers connected to my PC, I found it a treat to browse YouTube for
videos related to our hobby. The number of videos of interest has
grown remarkably since the last time I looked. The audio quality on
some of the videos is excellent.
Here's a few that I though worth sharing:
Steam Calliope: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFgqDSBba1g
Aeolian Player Organ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPPhNXpwASw
David Wasson's Trudy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-PleAWmjRQ
Marvels Of Mechanical Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuTUNxC0KWg
I have been thinking about adding a section to the MMD website which
would be a "reviewed video" section. The videos wouldn't necessarily
be hosted only on YouTube, as I'm sure there's other websites, including
personal websites that have videos related to our hobby. The reviews
would be a sentence or two describing the video, and there would be
some keywords that could be used to sort or search on.
I would like to hear if people think this would be useful. If any of
you would like to be the editor of that section, please let me know!
Looking forward to your thoughts,