Dear Readers, In keeping in touch with the world today as far as our
hobby is concerned not only do we need to expand our musical criteria
(like "Modern Music on fairground organs") but we must expand with
our technology. The web site has grown in the past two
years as far as mechanical music is concerned (and is to this day with
every passing hour). I cannot say the same for, and
this is our chance to really get in there.
Yesterday I received my first profile on and in that
time I have posted some information about mechanical music on the videos
that are available. Please help me in filling in the void of mechanical
music videos on
Justin Senneff
[ Most mechanical music videos I've seen are boring -- they show
[ only a static instrument while a song is heard playing. Much more
[ interesting is "Old Songs and Cranks (Ritournelles et Manivelles)",
[ a charming 10-minute video about the "anarchist organ grinders" in
[ Paris:
[ -- Robbie