Many thanks to Robbie Rhodes for the article, "Player Accordion
Patent Awarded Louis Bacigalupi", in MMDigest of March 24, 2008.
I would like to correct some information.
John, the eldest son of Louis Bacigalupi, Sr., was born in Berlin
in 1896, but he emigrated to USA and did not return to Germany and
he was not the owner of "Bacigalupo Söhne" of Berlin. He is most
likely the John named in the patent.
Giovanni Battista Bacigalupo III was the son of Giovanni Battista
Bacigalupo I, the father of Louis Bacigalupi. So they were brothers.
Louis had been born as Luigi Bacigalupo but in USA he used the name
Louis Bacigalupi.
Giovanni Battista Bacigalupo III was born in Berlin in 1889. I met
him in the 1970s in Berlin. He was also godfather of my mother and
the brother of my great-grandmother.
Piotr Walczak, MBA, MSc
[ Thanks for the information, Piotr. There is much more to learn
[ about this remarkable musical family. -- Robbie