Hi, all. I have a couple of questions regarding street barrel organs
and street pianos.
First, were there other American manufacturers of these instruments
besides Molinari? The sources I have read only mention Molinari of
New York, although Bowers' "Encyclopedia" states that there were other
street piano manufacturers in Baltimore and other eastern cities in the
USA. What were the names of these other manufacturers and where were
they located?
Second, is anyone familiar with the firm of G. Mina, maker of street
pianos? A friend of mine saw such an instrument with this name
inscribed on the front in a museum in his area. Does anyone have any
information on this particular firm?
Mike Roseboom
Binghamton, New York
[ Louis Bacigalupi made barrel organs in El Monte, California.
[ See 980311 and 980312 MMDigest. -- Robbie