I have some news which fans of Joyland Amusement Park in Wichita,
Kansas, may find distressing: Louie the Clown and the Wurlitzer Mammoth
Military Band Organ are missing from the park, along with a number of
other antiques. The disappearance of Louie and the Wurlitzer is just
the latest in the saga of Joyland Park which has been going on for
years, with lawsuits by owners, former owners, and former operators.
The park, which has been closed since 2006, is still dear to the many
people who have visited there over the years. People in Wichita and
the surrounding area would like to see the park re-opened but the legal
battles have prevented it. A petition has now been initiated with the
intention of forcing the City of Wichita to work with Joyland operators
to re-open the park.
Additional information about this story can be found at:
http://www.rememberjoyland.com -- photos
http://www.explorer7004.com/ -- the petition
Joyce Brite - Player Piano and Mechanical Music Exchange