Let me add my praise to the chorus of cheers for the efforts of those
involved with the 2008 AMICA Convention. A big thank you is deserved
by all those involved in making the convention a reality.
Those who attended will long remember the activities and events. Who
could forget an Independence Day such as this with lunch in the shadow
of Air Force One at the Reagan Library and an evening concert and
fireworks at the Hollywood Bowl?
There are too many people who contributed their time and hard work to
name them all individually, but we must acknowledge the superb efforts
of Frank and Shirley Nix in organizing the convention. Kudos also to
those who gave workshops to those who graciously opened their homes to
tours. And last, but certainly not the least of all, thank you to the
Titanic Jazz Band and their splendid pianist Robbie Rhodes for
providing the entertainment at the banquet.
Joyce Brite, writing from Etiwanda, Calif.