To answer Jeffrey Borinsky's question about Shaw having a Pianola,
the answer is "Yes." Before Shaw became famous as a playwright he
was a well-known music critic, and I believe that some of his reviews
have been collected in a book which may still be available.
The reason I know he had a Pianola is that I distinctly remember
that, many years ago, his Pianola (or so they said) was put up for
sale and there were no takers. I assume it was sold, but being in
England, I did not follow up on what happened to it. As I recall, it
was a 65-noter and it is quite possible that Shaw, being a major music
critic, traded it in when 88-notes became standardized.
It is ironic that nowadays you can't even photograph Shaw's
Bechstein piano, yet his Pianola was sold. I hope a fan of Shaw bought
it. I assume that the fellows in England would know more about this.
Randolph Herr