Half Duo-Art Mystery Pallet Valves
By Julian Dyer
Here is my answer to the role of the pallet valve in the pedal-only
Duo-Art system.
My London-built instrument has a pallet valve mounted on the expression
box just above the Duo-Art accordion pneumatic. When the dynamic level
reaches 11 or thereabouts the pallet valve is pushed open by the regu-
lator arm. This lets air into a pair of tubes which are teed into the
tubes running from the tracker bar to the Bass and Treble theme primary
In other words, the pallet valve ensures that above a certain accompa-
niment level, all notes are played at the Theme level, which is set by
the suction supply provided by the pianolist via the foot pedals. Pre-
sumably this was meant to protect pianolists from having to produce
massive suction levels to provide a theme level audible above a loud
accompaniment. But losing any possibility of themeing can't really
help the music!
Julian Dyer
(Message sent Thu 5 Jun 2008, 00:10:52 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.) |