As most MMDigesters know, I am building a sort of Caliola (jokingly
named "Searliola") in my cell in the nursing home where I am still in
rehab. It has 44 wooden pipes (F18 - c61) and the case is fire engine
red with brass trim.
My problem is that I designed it when I was thinking of the cute little
pancake blowers that Laukhuff used to sell for $200. I supposed they
would now be double in price but find they are now $800 plus crating
and shipping. I got some little blowers that were used in original
computers, which are touted to be able to blow 20 pipes each. They
don't! Way back 'before the flood', I got blowers from Jill and George
Cooper in Kansas but they are no longer in business.
So I bit the bullet and got a PPCo unit. It has the guts to blow the
organ, but the noise level also runs at about 120 decibels. I've tried
everything I know -- mazes, sound absorbing material, etc. -- but you
still can't hear the music over the noise. The main problem is that
the input hole is right next to the outlet elbow and if I leave a space
for incoming air, I get the full blast of the motor noise.
I am praying that someone will have had experience with one of these
beasts and may have some helpful hints for me. I'll be most grateful
for any help someone can give me.
Thanks in advance.
Vic Searle in Tokyo