A friend of mine sent me some info on a roll he has (see below).
Since I'm unfamiliar with it I'd thought I throw it out to the
MMDers to get their input. I assume the $3.00 reference is an
old price sticker affixed to the end of the box label.
Mark Forer
"Dear Mark -- I have a very fat roll that says
QRS X2257 $3.00
The Pearl and the Pumpkin
Arranged for Orchestra by
W. C. O'Hare
John W. Bratton
Q.R.S. Company
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
The paper part of the roll is slightly under 10-1/2" wide.
Is this a standard roll? I know "The Pearl and the Pumpkin"
was a 1904 show. Regards, John"
[ See chart at http://www.mmdigest.com/Gallery/MMMedia/identifying.html
[ The only roll in the chart of 10-1/2 inches width is for the 58-note
[ 6 holes-per-inch instrument manufactured by Story and Clark.
[ -- Robbie