Hi MMDers, I may not be a purist but I am a sometimes perfectionist.
I have just finished re attaching all the pneumatics to the three
"decks" of my Ampico A, using hot hide glue, of course. In the process
I found several pneumatics that did not test absolutely airtight when
I covered the valve hole and pulled up on the moveable side of the
So I made up a Phenoseal-filled squeeze bottle with a hypodermic needle
spout and carefully let the Phenoseal wick into all four sides of each
problem pneumatic where it was glued to the deck. Hurrah! In every
case the Phenoseal solved the leaking problem. With the small hypodermic
needle, I was able to control the Phenoseal so as to not let it get on
the flexible areas of the bellows cloth.
Now I am ready to reattach my rebuilt secondary valves with the Ampico
B springs produced by Bob Streicher, of course. (What a buy: $16 for
the set!) Although this is my third Ampico A rebuild, I want it to be
the best that I can do. So does anyone know whether it is better or
easier to reattach the secondary valves to each of the three decks
before putting all three back together, or is it easier after marrying
all three, or is either way just as good?
Pat DeWitt