I invite anyone interested in building replicas of the Wurlitzer 105
band organ (or any similar band organ) or in repairing originals to
join my Yahoo group, now up and running just for folks like you.
To subscribe send an email, leaving the text block blank, to this
address: wurlitzer105b-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Or you can join
using this link: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/wurlitzer105b/.
Doug L. Bullock
[The "b" in the group name is important, because Doug's group is
[the real one. The original wurlitzer105 group was started on
[June 16, 2005, by a person known only as "Randy." It prospered
[for almost a year, until the owner Randy began neglecting it and
[not policing it for spam. It died of spam poisoning in March
[2007. But luckily Doug Bullock, seeing the end coming, had
[started the wurlitzer105b group on November 29, 2006, after at-
[tempts to motivate--or even locate--Randy failed.
[Today both groups still exist on Yahoo, but the original gets
[only spam and an occasional posting by someone who doesn't know
[the group is dead. Does anybody know who Randy is and why he
[hasn't properly buried the creation he fathered?
[--Relief Editor.