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MMD > Archives > March 2008 > 2008.03.06 > 04Prev  Next

Preparing the Collection for Earthquakes
By Bruce Grimes

I live in Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco, one mile from the Rogers
Creek fault.  We're due a big one.

I keep having these nightmares of the grand pianos rocking off their legs
and smashing their action stacks.  (Building new stacks at my age just
might not happen; fortunately only one of my pianos has a drawer. :)

I'm wondering how I might be prepared for a magnitude 6 earthquake
like we just saw in Wells, Nevada, February 21st.  Do you pile lots of
pillows or mattresses underneath and wait?  Can the pianos be attached
to the wall?

Do air-bags like on cars exist that can inflate at the moment of the
quake (but _not_ when the Duo-Art player crashes).  Who can install it?
Please answer on MMDigest.

Bruce Grimes

 [ Grand pianos in theaters survive the shaking when they're rolled on
 [ and off the stage.  A player grand should survive most earthquakes
 [ if the legs are maintained in top mechanical condition (glued and
 [ screwed, etc.) and are bolted to the piano case.  (I've heard of
 [ grands that simply rest upon a frame.)  Securing the instrument to
 [ the wall is also a good idea.
 [ Recent earthquakes in the San Francisco region are reported at
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Thu 6 Mar 2008, 19:22:58 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Collection, Earthquakes, Preparing

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