As some readers know, Ruth Bornand got me to join MBS (it wasn't yet
MBSI) in 1949, the year it was founded. So I'm a founding-year member
but not a founding member! At that time MBS was a small group of folk
that got together at her urging in a farm in the Midwest, perhaps Ohio
or Michigan -- I've forgotten.
I contacted Ruth about her records (then 78 albums) as I was already
an avid record collector. She invited me to visit from New Jersey to
her Westchester home, and we remained good friends for years. A fine,
decent, helpful lady. I miss her, and a lot of others.
So for years I was "the kid", and remained active for decades. I was
also involved for some years in AMICA, as well as active or at least
subscribing member in numerous phonograph and antique car and truck
groups in the English speaking world.
I'm amused at the comments about the cost of membership in the various
groups. I don't recall what year it was -- when either Harvey Roehl or
Hughes Ryder was MBS President or perhaps before, probably in the 1960s
when I was traveling around the country and initiating what became MBS
chapters -- there was a move to increase membership dues of what was in
essence the greater New York group. A number of people railed at the
idea of making the dues $10.
I stood up and said "You have to be kidding -- look what you get
for this piddling sum," or some such thing. Now I see comments about
figures under $50 today; after adjusting for inflation, that $10 would
be about $100 of today's ruined American dollars.
I'm now 72, retired and living on a very limited budget near our kids
in Florida. All of the MBS folk whom I knew and grew fond of back then
are now gone and I've had to sell or give away the greatest part of 60+
years of collections, but I am left with a lot of great memories. So
buck up, folks, and enjoy it while you can!
My best to all my friends who _are_ still alive and kicking!
Lee Munsick