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MMD > Archives > February 2008 > 2008.02.03 > 06Prev  Next

Ampico Transmission Frames From Schaff
By Brian Thornton

A few years ago, when I found I could get Ampico transmission frames
from Bob Streicher, I quit using the aluminum frames from Schaff.
I would usually have to spend a half day reaming or rebushing holes
(as the gear shafts would bind), grinding rough areas of the casting
so it would fit properly, and redrilling for the screw holes that
never lined up.

Streicher's Ampico frames always worked and always fit.  I would
rather pay the extra money to have a frame that I would not have to
mess around with.  I hope Don Teach's frames can fill that bill.

Brian Thornton - Short Mountain Music Works
Woodbury, Tennessee

(Message sent Sun 3 Feb 2008, 05:36:53 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampico, Frames, Schaff, Transmission

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