Fellow MMDers, As a "graying member" of several hobby groups, I am
keenly aware of the problems in "passing the torch" to future generations.
"Active participation" is the most effective way.
For several years I have invited the five or six children in a neighbor's
Day Care center into my home to hear some of my instruments. With my
hand on the Celestina's crank or the "start" lever of a cylinder box --
and one youngster's hand on top of mine -- we "make the music" together.
I have found that just a couple of instruments are plenty, and disc boxes
are a delight for them. I also recommend such small instruments be
placed on a coffee table so all are able to _see_ and hear.
Finally, I have their caregiver take a digital photo of each child with
me and the instrument while in operation. Their faces tell the story
and I print a 4"x6" photo for each child -- a very inexpensive investment
in the future.
Every year brings a new little group of appreciators and more
refrigerators with their pictures on the door. Prideful conversations,
I am told, are often and excited!
Joe Berman