Hello, Windows Media Player is terrible for most jobs, and I rarely
use it. I hope that VanBasco's [player] still works on Windows Vista
to an external device.
I would like to hear from those who are suffering with Vista. I have
heard that my Virtual Keyboard program works on Vista; that program
uses the same methods of accessing devices that most programs use.
If you are using Vista, let us know if it runs VanBasco's to various
devices. Also, please try my Virtual Keyboard to see if that can
access the various devices.
Update on the clock player -- I found some simple ways of setting
a schedule and playing MIDI files from a pretty basic script. I am
devoting a little time now and then to doing the job. It will be
a simple program that works from a text list of times and files.
It will probably have a shuffle play option. It will use the default
MIDI player so this must be capable of playing to the MIDI output.
There might be a problem with Vista so I hope to hear from those who
are using it.
Best regards,
Spencer Chase