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Re: AMICA presentations at the Sacramento Ragfest
I recently attended the Sacramento Ragfest. John Mottoros had a beau-
tifully restored Pianino there, loaded with ragtime music and a supply
of antique nickels with which to play the Pianino. It was on display
right at the main entrance to the lobby. It was a big hit with the
huge crowd in attendance and resulted in securing another AMICA member
for our chapter.
In addition, Julie Porter was in attendance with a display of her scan-
ning equipment for reading paper rolls and converting them to MIDI for-
mat. She was located in one of the main halls, through which hundreds
of ragtime enthusiasts passed each day for the three-day event.
The only way these two participants could have been missed was for
someone to have entered through a back door, taken a quick look, and
immediately turned around and left.
The MMD was adequately, if not amply, represented by both John Motto-
ros and Julie Porter, and their contributions to the overall success of
the Sacramento Ragfest should not be ignored. My personal thanks to
them for their efforts on behalf of MMD.
Arlo Lusby II