Over the past several years I've accumulated several musical combs
which have missing or broken teeth. I'm interested in learning how
best to reconstruct or replace these teeth, so that I can perform this
delicate repair on my own for music boxes worth the investment. I
understand that the tooth replacement process is slow and laborious;
but this just interests me all the more. Do any of you know of arti-
cles, papers, or dissertations written on this subject?
Where might I go to learn about these procedures? I have hundreds of
questions like the following. What are the associated pitfalls in comb
repair? Clearly, matching the metal material is important, as is
matching the dimensions. What temperatures would be necessary to bond
the new tooth? What metals are used in making the connection? What
procedures should be used to tune the new tooth? If you have two or
more missing adjacent teeth, how do you handle that situation? How
does the temperature for bonding one tooth affect the adjacent teeth?
Actually, I would most like to find someone I could watch, while he
goes through this operation. I don't how effective I'd be as an ap-
prentice, but I'd be very grateful for the opportunity. I'm open to
all helpful suggestions and encouragement.
Tony Stratton
Wayne, IL (just west of Chicago)