Hi All, It's very seldom that I quote Craig Brougher when I submit
a posting about something he has written. However, from his latest
treatise titled "2007 Model E-Roll Player Review", I take the following:
"These interfaces have the capability of bringing back the pneumatic
reproducing piano, increasing roll sales as well, and forcing them to
be restored properly. As a result, the entire industry will profit
when anything is offered which will finally restore this instrument
to a place of prominence, which it deserves. I cannot see how some
enterprising soul will not see the opportunity presenting itself here
and capitalize on it, doing it right, the first time!"
Like Craig, I strongly believe that the 1920's style player and
reproducing pianos will be around long after we are gone. But, one
of the main keys to their popularity among the general public is
"the music".
Fortunately, the efforts of a number of individuals continues to
increase the number and the quality of E-Roll files which can be used
to operate a pneumatic player. As a result, there is more 'music'
available to the public today than there was just ten years ago.
That said, what's needed is an 'interface' between the E-Rolls and
the instrument that will transcend the common problem associated
with computers, computer technology, and changing operating systems.
(I don't want to stray off to another topic, but I'm speaking here
about hardware and software that will be universally compatible with
any computer for the next 40+ years.)
In Craig's fine article, he explores the 'ups and downs' of the
newest E-Roll system on the market today. And, while the system is an
improvement of a previously available system, Craig notes areas where
he believes there is room for further improvement, and he explains why
he believes further changes are necessary.
If you have any interest in this emerging technology, I strongly
encourage you to read the "2007 Model E-Roll Player Review". It is
located at
John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA