It is interesting that Charlie Morgan brings up in the 07.10.11 MMD
the Birdcage Theater and its snippet of mechanical music played in
a Ghosthunters episode, because last June I received the email below
from Collette Lash about the same snippet.
> I'm certain I am gonna sound nuts for asking this, but you seem to
> have quite the knowledge of this sort of thing. There's a clip of
> what sounds like a Wurly playing on an episode of "Ghost Hunters"
> dealing with the Birdcage Theatre. I wanted to seek out that song,
> but I have no idea how to go about finding it. Do you watch that
> show or have any suggestions?
Being unfamiliar with the show, I wasn't able to help her, and she
wasn't able to excerpt the tune to send it to me.
Matthew Caulfield,
Irondequoit, New York
[ At
[ "On part of some audio you can hear calliope music that they
[ didn't hear during the investigation."
[ -- Robbie