When I need to remove something attached with PVC-E or Player Piano
Co. plastic glue, I use "3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner".
I buy this product from an auto parts store at a cost of about $12.00
for a U.S. quart.
I first used it to loosen old weather stripping from my 1960 automobile.
It worked so good there that I tried it on my Orchestrelle. Many years
ago when I first got my Orchestrelle I replaced the pouches and some
felts using Player Piano Co. plastic glue. When the organ started to
cipher on a note I decided to take it apart to find out why.
With help from some contributors I took it apart and while there
I decided to renew the pouches. Using a medical syringe I traced
a file line of the adhesive cleaner around the edge of the pouches and
then lifted the pouches off and scraped the remaining glue off easily
with my knife blade. To remove the felt I just put a small amount of
the cleaner on the felt and let it soak while I applied it to several
other pieces. When I started scraping the felt off the wood it came
right off with all of the glue.
It works fine and easy for me so I hope that if others try it, it will
prove good for them too.
Maury Willyard