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MMD > Archives > September 2007 > 2007.09.17 > 01Prev  Next

Echo Organ
By Jim Crank


The answer to your question [in the 070915 MMD about the Salomons Welte
Echo Organ] is very easy.

In the days of grand symphonic organs, the builders very often in-
stalled an Echo Organ at the opposite end of the room from the main
organ.  Soft strings, dreamy flute celestes, soft trumpets, and of
course the "essential" Vox Humana and chimes were very effective there.
They were intended for pastoral and distant sounds like hunting horns,
or chimes from a distant church, anything where the music required a
distant, almost ethereal, sound from the back of the room.  Think of
the opening measures of such pieces as the "Blue Danube Waltz" by
Strauss, or loads of Wagner's compositions.

Builders like Skinner, Austin, Moller, Kimball, Aeolian, included
Echo Organs in their best installations.

Jim Crank

(Message sent Mon 17 Sep 2007, 15:53:44 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Echo, Organ

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