Of the several articles submitted on 46/48 music rolls for organs,
none have mentioned B.A.B. 46- and 48-key rolls for Artizan, North
Tonawanda and B.A.B. organs. I personally have a large collection
of recordings from these styles of rolls, and I can tell you that
the arrangements are really worth hearing. Ironically, the B.A.B.
46-key music scale has more bass notes (I believe five) than the
48-key scale.
The arranger of these B.A.B. rolls was none other than J. Lawrence
Cook, who is better known for his player piano arrangements. Most,
if not all, of the tunes on these rolls are very familiar and I'd
recommend hearing them. The only drawback is that there are few
organs available today that play these two styles of rolls. And worse,
the only person to my knowledge who has a large inventory of masters
would be Ed Openshaw who hasn't been cutting any of these rolls.
However, I just thought that the B.A.B. style rolls should be included
in the discussion as no mention was made of them.
George Karpel
Burnaby, British Columbia