I have replied to Mr. Reedman personally, as he would not have known
what had been said in personal correspondence to me.
My response and thanks, through MMD, provoked another ten personal
replies from US correspondents, two of which were from the offenders,
both apologising for their apparent abrasiveness, and offering very
helpful advice.
The other eight were also very kind and helpful, some offering to go
and buy the stuff and send it to me. Such kindness and courtesy is
rare in this day and age.
Unfortunately these products are banned, by their chemistry, from
the various US postal services. However, I see, today from further
correspondence, that there is a mail order service to investigate.
However, this all goes to prove what a fantastic forum MMDigest is.
The amount of meaty information that has now been recorded for
posterity is invaluable. Also, through the subsequent correspondence,
I have made several new friends and hope to maintain contact.
Thanks again, very sincerely, to all.
Best wishes,
Nigel Perry