Hi Group,
Three people responded without a problem, and one set of tapes is in
the mail. If anyone else wishes to give them a listen, I need your
postal address.
Three people's emails were blocked, but I could figure out from their
addresses that they were probably responding to my MMD request. One
was Mr. Kehoe. I sent the addresses of the three blocked persons to my
ISP to be unblocked, and I notified the senders.
If you have an arcane address, it got dumped. My postal address and
phone number are in the AMICA, MBSI, and COAA directories, in the event
that my email address won't work for you.
I started using my ISP's spam blocker over a year ago, when I was
receiving up to sixty-five spam messages a day. Since that time I have
received three spam messages. The best I can explain how the blocker
works is that it automatically blocks any third party provider and any
provider doing little or nothing to control spam on their system.
It is unfortunate that a few idiots have screwed up things for everyone
Thanks for the offers of help,
Jack M. Conway,
Los Angeles, CA
[Speaking of spam load, the MMD receives about 300 to 400 spams per
[day. Right now the big thing is fake greeting card announcements
[that carry, if you open them, malware and trojans which take over
[your computer and zombie it to send out more spam.
[--Relief Editor