BBC Radio 2's "The Organist Entertains" this week aired a special about
the Salomons Welte organ, the unique instrument with two types of
roll players, and Welte's biggest-ever. The program had specially-
recorded examples of both the Philharmonic and the Orchestrion roll
player as well as of the organ being hand-played. Very nice it sounded
too, in all three forms.
They having got the organ working, it was interesting to learn that
their latest project is to have their collection of 300 rolls copied,
and they've applied for lottery cash to do so. It is good that they
want a decent and workable roll library, so let's hope they're
The program touched on the restoration by Mander's and the contribution
of Andrew Pilmer, but it completely failed to credit Tom Jansen's
involvement, beyond mentioning the existence of "a German contractor"
to cut the rolls. Never mind, we know who did the work!
The programme will be on the BBC's website until 10 p.m. Tuesday (UK
time), and is well worth listening to. You should be able to get to it
via the "listen again" button at:
Julian Dyer