Hi; Does anyone remember where the line, "I double in brass and
can play the clarinet," come from? Was it a song, or from a movie?
I heard this line a long time ago and I can't remember where it came
Ed Hattrup
[ At http://romancereaderatheart.com/victorian/Trivia2.html
[ Double in Brass: a term meaning to take on two jobs for the extra
[ income. Since the brass referred to the general term for musical
[ instruments, it is thought to have originated in the American
[ touring shows and circus groups of the 1800's.
[ At http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-1283(192602)1%3A5%3C282%3AACL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-7 :
[ Double in brass -- A performer who presents an act and also plays
[ in the band is said to "double in brass."
[ -- Robbie